.. _knownIssues_en: Known Issues ############ .. contents:: Contents of this page: :depth: 2 :local: ++++ .. _knownIssues_colorAttr_en: Changing the color of the "Color" attribute is not immediately reflected in the view. ************************************************************************************* * This is a specification of the attribute editor and is caused by the screen not being refreshed immediately. .. sep * Solution * Change attributes other than color * Click the ``Refresh`` button on the shelf. .. figure:: ../../_images/shelf_refresh_icon.png :alt: shelf_editor_icon * Click the "**Refresh the scene and UI**" button in the NodeEditor. .. figure:: ../../_images/NodeEditor_refresh.png :alt: NodeEditor_refesh ++++ .. _knownIssues_fgBgImg_en: Foreground and background images are not displayed even if they are set in the file node. ***************************************************************************************** * This error is occurring in **Maya®2023**. * Images may load slowly and take some time to display. .. sep * Solution * Change attributes other than color * Click the ``Refresh`` button on the shelf. .. figure:: ../../_images/shelf_refresh_icon.png :alt: shelf_editor_icon * Click the "**Refresh the scene and UI**" button in the NodeEditor. .. figure:: ../../_images/NodeEditor_refresh.png :alt: NodeEditor_refesh ++++ When multiple Grids are set, some of them are not displayed. ************************************************************ * The following two grids will not be drawn unless specified at the beginning. * ``Golden Spiral(A)`` * ``Golden Spiral(B)`` (Mirror) .. figure:: ../../_images/gridTroubleA.png :alt: gridTroubleA (``Golden Spiral(A)`` is set to second, so it will not appear in the view) * The reason is that the drawing process is different from other Grids. * Please change the order in which Grids are drawn. .. figure:: ../../_images/gridTroubleB.png :alt: gridTroubleB (If ``Golden Spiral(A)`` is specified at the beginning, it will be displayed in the view.) ++++ .. note:: * If you have any bugs or troubles that are not mentioned here, please report them from ":ref:`bugReport_en`". * You can check the status of reported bugs and troubles at "`Issues`_". .. _Issues: https://github.com/PluginMania/RenderOverrideForMaya/issues