.. _attr_Letterbox_en: Letterbox ######### .. contents:: Contents of this page: :depth: 3 :local: ++++ Overview ******** * Letterboxes can be displayed on the top, bottom, left, and right * The standard for displaying the borders is ResolutionGate. .. figure:: ../../_images/letterboxTop.png :alt: letterbox * The thickness of the letterbox is calculated based on the resolution value in RenderSettings * For example, to display a letterbox in the top 10% of a ResolutionGate of 1000px height, set the **Top** attribute to ``100`` (px) .. figure:: ../../_images/letterboxSample10per.png :alt: letterbox .. seealso:: See ":ref:`sample_letterbox_en`" for concrete examples of how to use it. ++++ Attributes ********** .. figure:: ../../_images/letterboxAttr.png :alt: letterbox Color ===== * Letterbox Color Opacity ======= * Letterbox opacity Top (px) ========= * Specify the height of the letterbox to be displayed at the top Left (px) ========== * Specify the width of the letterbox to be displayed on the left side Right (px) =========== * Specify the width of the letterbox to be displayed on the right side Bottom (px) ============ * Specify the height of the letterbox to be displayed at the bottom.